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I'm Kaylee

I'm powered by tacos and wine, not necessarily together,
but no judgement here! Also, Container stores, essential oils, Iced Tea And my family

Living in the Sunshine Coast there is endless opportunity for beach days, adventures through the bush and lazy cafe mornings. As a California girl this brings nothing but pure joy to me. The nature that surrounds us brings true creativity in many ways. 

I grew up with a mum who loves Interior Design. I would come home from school and she would be faux finishing the walls, back when this was a trend (thank goodness that's passed!),rearranging the furniture or organising the pantry. 

This ignited my passion for design and all things creative. I got my Interior Design degree in Newport Beach, CA. Soon after I graduated, I met my one and only in beautiful Sydney, Australia. How does the saying go? "The rest is history!" Fast forward 11 years later and with many moves under our belt, from living in both countries, you can say organising a home became second nature. 

This is where Wildly Euca, your Sunshine Coast Homemaker, has come into the picture. This is a space where organising, design and cleaning come together to make your home a place where you can relax and make memories. I look forward to meeting you! 

Plant in White Pot

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